November 23, 2008


Rating:  B-

This is the movie based on the first book of the “Twilight” series.  Bella moves from Phoenix to Forks, WA and meets Edward.  Too bad Edward is a vampire, a nice one, but still.  Then she gets chased by a not-nice vampire, James.  And then they go to prom.

Well.  I have read all four books and the book wins over the movie.  I thought the movie was well-done but not worth the huge hype.  Of course, this is probably the next Titanic with the teen-age girls repeating their trips to the movies and the supersonic rise in fame of Robert Pattinson – who plays Edward quite well.  I’m not sure what I was expecting but what I got was a faithful adaptation of the book.  Kristin Stewart’s Bella got on my nerves…everyone else was pretty good.   Go see it but don’t expect to be amazed.

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