August 26, 2007

Cashback (2006)

Rating: B

An art school guy breaks it off with his girlfriend and goes into a bout of insomnia.  Having 8 hours a day extra, he takes a night-shift job at a local grocery store.  He passes the time by imagining that he is stopping time and painting the customers.  He falls in love with the check out girl, Sharon.

I liked this movie.  It's kind of slow and very character driven - not a lot of action.  It stars Sean Biggerstaff.  If you see  it and you can't place him, he was Oliver Wood in the first two Harry Potter movies.  The girl that plays Sharon, Emilia Fox, played Georgiana Darcy in the BBC Pride & Predjudice.  It was driving me crazy through this movie because I couldn't place them.  This was based off a short film that won all kinds of awards.

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