November 21, 2004

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

Grade: A

Premise: Bridget Jones is back and in a relationship with Mark Darcy...but for how long?

Well, I was discouraged by the so-so reviews but my friends and I went anyways. We really liked it and there were TONS of laugh out loud moments. Not as good as the first one - but still really enjoyable. Colin Firth is, of course, just yummy.


Gossip Girl said...

This second Bridget Jones movie made a great parody of the first one... although, my reason for giving it thumbs down was that I have a sinking suspicion that it was not intended to be one.

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. Your blog illustrates one problem with netflix user review system - it is hard to read the reviews of one user, or to look at different reviews of a movie. It seems that netflix puts all the 4 and 5-star reviews on the first page of each film, and any negative reviews are buried on page 50 (unless they are lame negative reviews, which they will use as a 'token' to make it seem balanced). The review system also seems to be spammed - I wonder if by the film producers or distributors. I mean, some real dogs get 5-star ratings, and it makes one wonder....